Monday, June 15, 2009

Poetic Musings

I've decided to post some poetry I unearthed from the archives. They were written quite a while ago, the most recent being two years back and the oldest, about eight years. Enjoy!


I don't know you...
I don't know the warmth of your laugh,
the scent of your clothes, the touch of your hands.

I don't know you.

But I do.

I know when you feel lost, when you are alone,
when you are distant,
and when you want be close.

I see your beautiful smile...and your sad eyes.

I know why your life is boring.

I don't know you.
But I like you.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog!!!

    If you like, come back and visit mine:


    Pablo from Argentina


photo credits:Musa